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Mezze is widely served in the Greek and Middle eastern world. An assortment of little dishes and tasters which accompany a nice ouzo or a glass of wine. So when you read mezze moments you will have tasty snippets of life as I live it, India for four years and now Brisbane Australia, all served up with some Greek fervour and passion.

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Wednesday 20 January 2021

The 20th of January 2021

For all its dark moments, and there have been a few in the new year, there are also moments of hope and aspiration, moments of simple joys and jubilations. I thought long and hard about today and even grappled about what I could possibly say. I have looked forward to this day for months. Why, when it involves a continent so far away and a nation who frankly at some moments I fail to feel any affinity or warmth towards. But I quickly decided that it was too important a day not to be noted, and so I listen to a humble Joe Biden talking about the significance of his home state of Delaware to which he used to return to on the train every night, the emotion in his voice as he referred to Beau, his son, who died of cancer at such a young age and his family who have been his support and strength in hard times and I know that this is a significant moment in our global history and one which we have to remember, like Kennedy, the first man on the moon, and Diana's death to name a few of the events which impact the world. 

So this evening on the other side of the UTH - and this spelling is significant in my history - I thank the forces that formed the Lincoln Project and which were strong enough to call out the Trump presidency for its lies and deceit and the millions of voters who understood the importance of casting their vote.

I celebrate a new era and a new President and I am hopeful and happy that this humble and caring man, with two brilliant women by his side can start his presidency with dignity and determination - the agenda is huge. Commemorating the many lives lost to Covid is an early sign that this President will give the importance due to dealing with the pandemic, and his team will lose no time in doing what is humanly possible to stop the terrible loss of life. 

On a closer plane - promotions to dear ones are front and foremost and we drink to their continued success and happy lives. 

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