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Mezze is widely served in the Greek and Middle eastern world. An assortment of little dishes and tasters which accompany a nice ouzo or a glass of wine. So when you read mezze moments you will have tasty snippets of life as I live it, India for four years and now Brisbane Australia, all served up with some Greek fervour and passion.

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Sunday, 22 September 2013

National Bowel Cancer Screening program

A box popped into my letter box the other day and I am happy to share its contents with you as I was quite impressed with them. I was invited to take part in a National Bowel Cancer Screening programme.
The test is free and it comes with full instructions and a booklet explaining how to go about collecting your stool samples and how to then put them in the envelope provided and send them to the laboratory for testing. You are warned that temperature and time can affect the test results but that if you follow the rules your samples should arrive in a good state and your screening will go ahead.
Well how is that for proactive and preventative medicine all rolled into one. Not your ordinary postal package eh ! 

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