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Mezze is widely served in the Greek and Middle eastern world. An assortment of little dishes and tasters which accompany a nice ouzo or a glass of wine. So when you read mezze moments you will have tasty snippets of life as I live it, India for four years and now Brisbane Australia, all served up with some Greek fervour and passion.

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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Hampi the ancient city

The area is vast and you need time to take in and appreciate the sights of this ancient city. I will concentrate on some of the more remarkable ones which I felt made Hampi such a rewarding experience.

The city was built in the 15th century and was built on a river in this granite rich landscape. The building techniques were impressive then as they are now and the remains a testimony to their civilisation and their expertise.The time and architecture is known as the Vijayanagara epoch.

Evidence of the paintings which adorned the temples 
The magnificent gateway 
One of the main temples there, the Vittala temple Complex displays the remains of the main temple where every pillar is able to emit a specific musical sound when hit dependent on its thickness and length. To imagine the music that came out of this stone building is phenomenal in itself.

In front of this temple is the stone Chariot which is often referred to as a monolithic structure but actually is cleverly built with granite pieces joined artfully and discreetly to form this shrine.
The amazing Stone Chariot
 The tank 

They had extensive and well organised markets as well as aqueducts and waterways that allowed the city to be supplied with water. The Queens had their very own Baths where system of cooling the water enabled them to enjoy relaxing sessions.
The city sprawls out over many kilometres and each area is dotted with more temples, carvings more impressive then the last and vistas over the surrounding areas to die for. They certainly knew how to chose their locations and we watched the sun dip over the city in its full and powerful glory.

 The elephant stables
 This trough is reported to have been carved out of a single piece of granite
The Lotus Mahal used for pleasurable pursuits- the imagination runs riot here 
The view at sunset 
 The beautiful step tank
Us and in the background the Virupaksha temple which is a living and practising temple to this day.

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