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Mezze is widely served in the Greek and Middle eastern world. An assortment of little dishes and tasters which accompany a nice ouzo or a glass of wine. So when you read mezze moments you will have tasty snippets of life as I live it, India for four years and now Brisbane Australia, all served up with some Greek fervour and passion.

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Wednesday, 28 April 2010

The deserts of Rajastan are in the air

Last night at about 900 pm I went out with the dog and while I did not capture for you the lightning and the thunder I can tell you that the tall eucalyptus trees were swaying wildly in a wind that was full and I mean full of dust particles. You could sense them and breathe them. Even this whirly wind of dust had its silver lining ( and in this case literally ) because all of a sudden we felt big drops of water in the air pelting down us as we dashed for cover. Its preciousness not unfelt.

The moisture was too little and was sucked away almost immediately. There was a perceptible coolness in the air this morning and a tree that had been brought down by the storm. The house was covered by this thin layer of dust once more, the bain of every housemaid within miles.


  1. We didn't get much rain (if any at all) in South Delhi .. maybe half a minute, at most?

    Am I crazy to be wishing away the days until monsoon starts?

  2. Does this place do strange things to us ...the answer is a firm YES
    No you are not crazy but that will begin a whole new cycle of temps and tempers ! Love MM


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