
Thursday 30 September 2021

Storm Season is here

Severe Weather systems in the air, covid outbreaks which may or may not land the state in lockdown once more, storm season is upon us and winds swirling round the place with hints of red and purple. The world is at once opening up and closing down on itself. Flashes of light across the sky and thunder booming into its very centre. We cower and shield and hope that climate change will not deliver our end with our leaders going blah blah blah according to the irrepressible Greta. 

This is the kind of cross that I warm to and its a small natural reminder of all those thousands of lives that have been lost to Covid. 

The day after the jacaranda came down Walter was on the stump wondering what had happened to his tree. It did break my heart but there are lots more trees in the garden we hope he might choose to adopt. 

Even the birds are ruffled - Dennis and Doreen were not amused at the appearance of this Currawong on the deck perhaps sensing the treats in the butcher birds bowl. 

 So time for the proverbial cup of Tea and a good book while the earth receives its first good soak.

Monday 27 September 2021

The Confessions of a Beachcomber ... and a housewife

I have just had the privilege to read "The Confessions of a Beachcomber" by E.J Banfield. Lent to me by a descendant. Published in 1908 it is the story of E.J Banfield who was born in Liverpool. He emigrated to Australia in 1854 aged 2. He followed his father into printing and journalism until he found it exhausted him and he took off to Dunk Island off the coast of Queensland where he spent the better part of a quarter century until his death in 1923. He lived on the island with his wife Bertha and he wrote the book about what he saw around him. He describes all the fauna and flora in great detail as well as all the fish, turtles and dugongs in the ocean. He talks about his encounters with Aboriginals on the island and some of their hunting habits. It's a fascinating insight into the little island and how this man chose to live a better simpler life. Apparently it was quite the bestseller and he became a well known personality, an early day celeb. 

He says "Here I come to my birthright - a heritage of nothing save the most glorious of all possessions: freedom- freedom beyond the dreams of most men in its comprehensiveness and exactitude. These haphazard notes refer to the exercise of rare independence. They reveal my puny efforts to be none other than myself." 

"Each day has been blue - radiantly blue- nothing more". 

He concludes- "If the day and night are such that you greet them with joy and life emits a fragrance like flowers and sweet scented herbs, is more elastic, more starry, more immortal - that is your success." 

And now... to the confessions of a housewife. There is an ad on Aus telly where a housewife sniffs inside her washing machine and screws up her face. Its stinky and the answer is a Dettol- like- disinfectant - I laughed when I saw it - what next?  To disinfect everything from your daily life is SO wrong. But when I opened my washing machine to my horror I smelt something whiffy and soon found out why. Look what was in between the rubber tubing. 

I don't live on an island off the coast of Qld - how on earth did this centipede get into my washing machine ?Any answers or guesses? Life is indeed on a bit of a spin cycle! 

Saturday 25 September 2021

Lets be friends FUREVER

Last night we had the pleasure of attending a show at Brisbane Powerhouse called "Lets be friends furever". This is a where I tip my hat and my Shmackos to creativity, alive and well, in the arts world and say thank you to the creators who came up with such a warm and wonderful show. 

The seats had been cleared from the front and they created a pen with a grand piano, a dogs kennel and a a few other little doggie artefacts. The lights dimmed and we were told in a strong and firm voice to SIT, SIIIIT - good. 

And then it began - a show about dogs and our connections with them, alternating video testimonials from dog owners and their pets and live presentations of them with an interviewer booming questions at them. My favourite was Carl a returned Commando who was first up with Guja his dog- how he had almost walked away in fear of its aggressiveness and then turned back to meet the dog and become bound to her. Their close bond was so very obvious to everyone in the theatre. 

We loved Brett and Steve and their owner - clowning around on stage for their entire time. How Brett who eats chickens, was rescued or at least taken from a less than engaged neighbour and how these two just love one another. 

We met Ava, the Afghan and heard about how her hair grows, that she is a hunting dog and a show dog for her adoring owner. 

Two children came on stage to introduce their cocker spaniel. They seemed to think their doggie was a bit dim but they loved her nevertheless and sang a song all about her. Big dogs, little dogs, pooping dogs all made an appearance with their various owners, some looking like their beloved pets. 

A Great Dane - a puppy weighing a mere 78 kilos who sniffed at the dog kennel and didn't stand a hope in hell getting into it. Her owner telling us her husband wanted a cat and she came back with this one. 
And this little pug, the runt of the litter, weak and barely able to survive but who is now thriving and has some 30,000 followers on Insta ! 

The show then brought on a vet - a handsome and serious one- who talked about pets dying. The messages from owners who invest so much love and attention and also money in their pets is of course they do all these things knowing they have a short life and losing them is possibly one of the most painful experiences we ever go through. The video footage was heartfelt and moving and my friend, who is a dog owner, was chocking up. I remembered the enormity of losing Tara.

How does a show get over this hump, where do they go from here? Right on cue three people walk in with the most adorable puppies and exchange true and interesting facts about how much money we spend on them, how much fitter and happier we are because of them, how much poop we scoop up, how many shoes get ruined, let alone carpets chewed. 

But we love them and they love us back unconditionally and unreservedly. 

What more can one hope for in life. To Brisbane readers - go and see it -

To all the rest - enjoy your best friend, cherish them as they cherish you. 

Friday 24 September 2021

Glorious week, sad ending.

A quieter week and some delights along the way - a ringtail and a magpie both making their appearance, one to nibble on some seeds left on the bird table, the other to find a perch from where to trill so very beautifully. I still cant upload the videos so for those who want to see them please go to my insta page. 

Some lovely flowers and plants all making an appearance - Rainbow lorikeets loving the bottle brush. 

An escapee
The juxtaposition of old and new 
And finally, because I cannot allow it to pass without a mention, the last ever image of our jacaranda. Its image in flower was the one thing that said to me - buy this house - there were many more. But now sadly after many years we have decided it must go, as it is shifting the concrete with its roots and causing structural damage, let alone all the shedding it does all throughout the year. Walter the Water Dragon and I will shed tears. 

Friday 17 September 2021

Discoveries with Dougall 43

It's been a busy week with Brisbane Festival putting on some fabulous shows, and Book group up and running "live" once more. Both joyful and vibrant and the spring sunshine just adding to the mix. No better way to end a busy week than to take Dougall out for a long walk. It's been a while so I was eager to see what has flowered and changed in the area. It was not long before we came across this beauty. 

We headed into the park and I loved the empty pathway through some beautiful grey gums. 

Just beyond this cluster of red berries - 

As we wound our way around the bushland we saw a currawong watching us, some blossoms bursting and a delicate yellow flower calling to us to admire its every detail. 

Finally on our way home I stopped to admire this gum, not only was it blushing pink but it had the sweetest leaf shadow imprinted on its inner side. 
Have a great weekend everyone. Hard to believe we are nearly 3/4 into this Pandemic Year. 
Last one? let's hope so. 

Monday 13 September 2021

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers

Picture perfect houses and gardens. A deep blue sky. 28 C and flowers in so many colours and combinations we struggled to keep up trying to identify and name them all. 

This was a particularly special one, round the corner from where we were staying. The owner popped out to tell us these were Echiums - Pride of Madeira. The bees loved them. 

From there onto the Botanical Gardens which has trees over 150 years old. They are majestic and tall and provide wonderful shade under which to sip a coffee or listen to live music - then back into the flower borders which are so beautifully organised and colourful. Some names we laughed at. This Pansy so delicate and lovely, was called the Dynamic White Blotch!

Beds carefully planted but this time - look, its parsley in between the Marigolds. You could eat your way through this one. 


We love the colours and the contours, the clever insertions and ultimate patterns. 

I think this is Ageratum Blue Mink - another great favourite for the Bees. The colour so very intense. 
Then onto Laurel Bank Park to wander in amongst the Cherry blossom - who needs to travel to Japan when Toowoomba is a stone's throw. The creativity was staggering. The Dinosaur park was full of them- dinosaurs in flower! What an ambitious project. The Velociraptor was probably my favourite. The topiary was impressive and this is hubby's favourite. Everyone knows why. The wisteria was wistful. The park scented with Jasmine and blossoms. There is a scented garden for the visually impaired. 

Ending with a sprig of sweet peas, one of my favourites grown over a whole area at Picnic Point. 

The music programme was rich and varied and the pop up shops and eateries were serving up delicious food and Queensland wines.  Private Gardens will also be opening up for viewings.The Festival goes on until the 30th of September - for more information you can check out the link at

Friday 10 September 2021

Brisbane's Art Boat

Last night I dragged the hubby out to the Art Boat on the Brisbane River. I had spent a frantic hour in the morning looking for the tickets I knew I had bought on my lap top over a month ago. To be fair he was reluctant to go, but did help by looking up the payments I had made for the event. Finally I found them- oh old age. 

So off we went down to the riverside of my favourite City. It never disappoints. 

We embarked and were given a safety briefing. Told how to put our life vests on. We waited to see if they would give us the Brace position haha.  We chatted to a delightful couple next to us and agreed that this was almost a little teaser for being able to travel - this time at snail's pace on a huge barge with tantalising lights and as if to rub salt in wounds, the image and sound of occasional planes overhead. LOL.

It was a beautiful spring night. There were tables and high chairs around the sides so once you bought a drink from the bar and some delicious bar nuts you could look out to the river and enjoy the breeze. 

We were welcomed to country by Yuggera and Turbal man Shannon Ruska who also gave us some of the aboriginal history near Breakfast Creek.  The colourful installations were by ENESS and people loved them. Many a selfie with fat bobbing balls were taken. I have spared you that misery. 

Soon after live music started with a young Saxophonist and DJ playing and then a gorgeous young girl with guitar and an amazing voice. By the end of the voyage, (it was slow) many people were dancing on the dance floor. I joined them. It felt liberating and fun.

One of the installations near Hamilton 
The Story Bridge lit up Blue for the evening.

I can only say a big well done to Brisbane Festival Organisers. They have showcased 1000 local artists and 168 First Nations artists in a rich and diverse programme over 23 days which extends throughout the city and the suburbs. We are privileged to have it at our sanitised fingertips!

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Looking up

I was in the garden emptying the compost bin when I heard the birds calling. I looked into the Lilly Pilly trees that flank our garden and this is what I saw. A ring tail possum settled on a branch. It is unusual that they are moving around in the daylight so I am a little anxious about it - wondering if it is well and far from the carpet python in the neighbour's garden who could eat him in a mouthful. 

Saturday 4 September 2021

Nature's colours

My moment of awe outside my bedroom window this morning. They called loudly. I leaned out and there they were, a pair of pale headed rosellas. Caught the outline of one against the starkness of the frangipani, slowly coming out of its winter slumber. 

A walk to the post office to see how in the 21st Century I can get messages and missives to loved ones. It takes time, like in the olden days. I still love it as they plop down into my post box. That special card chosen just for you, the words thought out carefully, kisses and hugs to end the message. 

Yesterday the walk to the post office revealed a purple grevillea, one I have never come across before. The way back was down Zig Zag street. I love the street names here. They choose unusual ones by necessity to name many streets in this vast continent. I have written about them before. Zig Zag had pom poms and crochet up its trunk, a loving neighbourly gesture. Then a vertical up and down along the extraordinary streets of this city back to home. 

Pink Kangaroo paws unfurling in the gentle light.